‘Namaste Trump’ chant overshadows many watershed Cricket moments, as the newly-built Motera stadium opens...

The refurbished Motera Stadium at Ahmedabad in Gujarat was publicly opened through the ‘Namaste Trump’ event. The newly-built stadium, which now has a seating...

Indian wrestlers finish Asian Wrestling Championships with 20 medals, surpass last edition’s record of...

With a rich haul of 20 medals at the Asian Wrestling Championship 2020, Indian wrestlers broke the previous record of 16 medals that was...

“Pickleball is now a ritual and a routine every night from 9-11…….”

with Rajeev Kasat DOB:                      29th December 1969 State:                     Maharashtra City:                       Mumbai Club:                      Anmol “My daughter, Drishika was the reason I took Pickleball seriously. I have always yearned to...

He is not the latest ‘Usain Bolt’- Netizens didn’t go berserk as Kambala racer...

After Srinivas Gowda’s sensational run in a Kambala race,netizens quickly drew to the conclusion that he is India’s Usain Bolt. Two days later another...

“I find Pickleball more exciting than other sports that I play…….”

with Shresta L Ram                    DOB:                     22nd July 2005  State:                    Karnataka City:                      Bangalore Club:                     KSPA Shresta L Ram recently won two major medals in the 3rd Indian Open 2020...

Badminton history: Name hunt, fascinating facts and its Indian association

Badminton has a rich history which is said to have developed in the 17th century. It was during that time a recreational sport was...

“Pickleball has helped me to gain recognition amongst the best players…….”

with Shreejit Nair DOB:                      29th July 1998 State:                    Maharashtra City:                       Mumbai Club:                     JMDYC Being a typical Mumbai boy, Cricket ran in blood of Shreejit Nair. He played Cricket...

Pushball – the long-forgotten game of pushing-around-the-ball

A huge ball with a diameter of around 6 ft is placed in the middle of a field. Two opposing teams lines up on...

Messi wins 500 games for FC Barcelona; enters history book again

Lionel Messi has become the first player to record 500 wins in the history of Spanish Club Football. He reached this record when FC...

“Pickleball has improved my patience and that is helping in playing the net game...

with Aditya Ruhela DOB:                      19th April 2002 State:                    Rajasthan City:                       Jaipur Club:                     VDN Club Aditya Ruhela is just 18. He is undecided about his future with Pickleball. But...